Matrimonial Surveillance Services
We provide a professionally and discreet matrimonial Surveillance service.
Most Private Clients only ever have the need to instruct a Detective Agency to carry out a Matrimonial Surveillance Service once in their lives. Therefore choosing the firm that best suits your needs is essential. There are several things to consider when instructing a Private Investigator to carry out any kind of Surveillance on your behalf.
Locality to Surveillance area
Choose an Agency near to the Area in question or one who does not charge travel time and mileage, this will keep costs down. Some Companies charge travel time and travel mileage. We don’t we only charge for the hours engaged on your enquiry. We do however have a minimum charge of 6 hours per Operative for any one period of Surveillance.
Choose an Agency that has years of experience and happy for you to call a local Solicitor or their Accountants, someone who can verify this. Check their web page to see how long it has been registered and to whom it is registered to and for how long. Check back for old adverts web pages. We are happy to provide you with the details of a local reference (Solicitor or our Accountants as proof of how long we have been trading)
Always work to an initial Budget. Pay by the day so if your not happy with the first period of work you are not committed and can always change or move on. We only take monies for the following days surveillance period and never ask for more than one day at a time as a deposit. We recommend you always pay by Credit Card so you are protected. We then provide you with a full verbal and written Report together with any images we had been able to obtain before we decide on any further work. That way it is in our interest to satisfy you we have done everything possible. We are always looking for repeat business. If you are happy with the service we offer than we hope you will be able to recommend us if the opportunity arose in the future.
Written Quote
We will always provide a quote for any work, make sure you always get a quote and you are happy with the costs. What is said on the phone can sometimes change when it comes to the final invoice. We always provide a quote and always work to the provided quote.
Make sure at the very least the Agency you are using has the relevant cameras needed to obtain as much images as proof and to back up their written report as possible. At the very least a good HD Camcorder, Covert recording equipment, GPS vehicle trackers, and a good Digital SLR long lens camera. Also make sure they are using a good fairly new non descript vehicles that are capable of keeping up with the subject of the enquiry. Make sure the vehicle they are using blends in the area in which it will be parked or moving around it.
Make sure that the Company you are dealing with are approachable. Ask to meet if at all possible at a suitable time and location so you know whom you are dealing with.
Comfortable dealing with the Agent
Make sure you feel totally comfortable with the Agent you instruct. After all they are going to be dealing with you Matrimonial Surveillance. Not your car and you need to be able to speak to them about anything relevant and should not feel embarrassed or worried about discussing this sensitive matter.
Recommendation if at all possible
Speak to a local Solicitor see if they have anyone they could recommend or perhaps your Accountants. If not do you know a friend or relative who has every instructed a Detective Agency they maybe bale to assist. If that is not helpful phone around speak to a few Companies and see whom you feel best able to relate to.
Evidence you will be provided with such as written report and Images
Make sure that the Agency you instruct will provide you with a fully typed professional report in the form of time and activity together with time and dated images. As questions and get explanations if there is anything you are not sure of.
“Professional Discreet and Local Matrimonial Surveillance Services.”
We specialise in Matrimonial Surveillance Service and have 32 years experience in the industry.
Covert Surveillance needs to be carried out by someone with years of practice and experience. You do not want to intrust your Matrimonial affairs to just anyone.
In the UK as it stands ‘Detective Agencies’ are not licensed although that is to be changed within the next few years. If a Company tells you they are licensed Private Investigators, they are not. Ask for proof they will not be able to give it to you. They maybe licensed as we are with the Security Industry Authority (SIA) for close Protection however not ‘Private Investigators’.
We have to hold Professional Indemnity Insurance as a member and we also have to have a Data Protection Certificate from the Commissioners Office (ICO). All of which we have and all of which are current.
Check that there is an address and contact is always easy between you and the Agency. Always meet if possible and always pay by Credit Card as you are then protected.
Speak to several local Companies and get a feel for who you feel will be suitable for your needs check to see if they are members of any bodies that they state they are members of by going to the body and asking the question or checking the relevant Web Sites. We have provided links to the SIA above.
Use a recommended Company if at all possible. Maybe one someone else has used or one your Solicitor may care to recommend.
We have worked for Private Clients, Solicitors, Insurance Companies and Corporate clients for 32 years and the only way we continue to trade is by getting good repeat business or recommendations.
We are specialists in Surveillance, Counter Surveillance, GPS Vehicle Tracking and Process Serving. We do not do Bug Sweeps – more commonly known in the industry as ‘Technical Surveillance Counter Measures’ or (TSCM), ‘Trace Inquiries’, or ‘Security’. We will recommend a local Agent for you with whom we have had dealings and can trust to do a professional job for you. See useful links.
We will cover work Nationally (UK) or worldwide budgets permitting. We have in the past covered work in Russia, (Latvia) France, Spain, Greece (Athens) Canada (Toronto) and numerous other locations worldwide. Locally we are ideally based to cover Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and London.